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Sean Jenniskens

Grassland Program Biologist

I have had an interest in the natural world for longer than I can remember, and I was still quite young when this interest rather abruptly transformed into a focus, and passion for birds. As a teen, I gained the opportunity to be a part of the Young Ornithologist Workshop led by Long Point Bird Observatory, and subsequently spent a season volunteering at the observatory. In 2015, I was granted my first official position with Birds Canada as a field technician conducting field work targeting forest birds at risk in Southern Ontario. I loved the work, and the birds I was working with, and continued working with those wonderful forest birds almost annually until 2022, when I accepted a new position for Birds Canada in Saskatchewan. Now working as the Grassland Program Biologist, I have the opportunity to work with some of Canada’s most vulnerable, and charismatic bird species. I am eager to do my part in assisting protect Canada’s birds, habitats, and its biodiversity.

Email: sjenniskens @

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