Chimney Swift Photo: Ron d’Entremont
The 2017 SwiftWatch season is rapidly approaching as Chimney Swifts make their long migration north from South America. Citizen Scientists in Birds Canada’s SwiftWatch program fill critical information gaps by monitoring and acting as stewards for Chimney Swifts and their habitat. Each year, volunteers and community members identify and monitor chimneys being used by swifts between May and September. This information helps us track Chimney Swift populations in Canada, and guides conservation efforts.
Volunteers are especially needed to count swifts at roost chimneys on designated 2017 National Roost Monitoring dates: May 18 (optional), May 24, May 28, June 1, and June 5. For more information or to sign up to monitor a chimney in Ontario or the Maritimes, contact our SwiftWatch coordinators. To learn about swift counts and stewardship in other areas, contact the Québec or Manitoba coordinators. And don’t forget to send us your swift sightings from anywhere in Canada at any time of the year!
Do you have Chimney Swifts in your chimney? We’d love to hear from you! Landowners play a key role in conserving this species. For more information on hosting swifts, check out our resources.
As always, a sincere thank-you is due to the many volunteers, partners, and supporters who make SwiftWatch possible. This project was undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada.