Birds Canada’s President, Steven Price, will be retiring in May 2021. Steven has led the organization since 2014 and helped us grow into the organization we need to be for birds and bird lovers in the years to come. His passion for the blend of conservation science, volunteer bird monitoring, and outreach to our supporters has helped us best serve birds and Canadian society at large.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed working with such a talented and devoted team of bird scientists and enthusiasts,” said Price. “None of what we accomplish could be achieved without the help of our supporters across Canada, as well as partners in government, business, academia, charitable foundations, and the non-profit sector. Conservation is like a marathon relay – I have run my leg hard and look forward to passing the baton forward to the next leader.”
Said Board of Directors Chair Paul Uys: “While we are sad to say farewell, we wish Steven all the very best for his retirement. Under his leadership Birds Canada has evolved immensely, as many members and birders will acknowledge. He has encouraged all of our supporters and partners to strive for bird conservation and heightened awareness of the challenges birds face and the solutions we can all be a part of. Although Steven will be sorely missed, I know he will continue to be a strong contributor to our role as Canada’s Voice for Birds.
The search for a new President is underway. You will find the job description at . Please share this opportunity widely.