If you’re an early riser, you’ll have a cheerful friend in the morning light: the American Robin.
American Robins are comfortable in wilderness and city environments. You’ll find them on lawns, in urban parks, forests, mountains, and more. Look for their iconic rusty-orange chests contrasting against their gray back and wings.
This thrush species’ song is also a sign of spring. Listen for the string of 10 or so cheery, high pitched whistles. You can also hear them call tuk to one another.
American Robins’ food preferences change based on the time of day. Earthworms are a breakfast delicacy, whereas fruit is eaten in later hours. Eating honeysuckle exclusively can sometimes intoxicate this small bird.
Female robins build the nests for their young by combining dead grass and twigs into a cup shape, reinforced with paper, feathers, moss, and mud. American Robin eggs are stunning, as their bright, sky blue or blue-green colours dazzle in the sunlight.
Over 50,000,000 adult American Robins can be found across the country, according to the Government of Canada’s Status of Birds in Canada 2019 report.