Atlases provide a standard assessment of the current status of breeding birds, and lay the framework for evaluating long-term changes. The results are critical to conservation decision-making as birds are effective indicators of environmental health. Birds respond quickly to environmental change, occupy every habitat type, and are relatively easy to survey.
In collaboration with numerous partners and thousands of volunteer Citizen Scientists, Birds Canada is mapping breeding bird distribution and relative abundance across the country. Canada’s National Atlas Program is a partnership between Birds Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, provincial governments, natural history organizations, and the private sector. Since the year 2000, breeding bird atlases have been completed in British Columbia, Manitoba, the Maritimes, and Québec. Atlases currently are under way in Newfoundland, Ontario, and Saskatchewan,
National Atlas Program results drive conservation policy, Species at Risk recovery, habitat management and stewardship, land acquisition, and more!
Citizen Science volunteers are needed for active atlas projects–we’d love to hear from you!

Photo: LeeAnn Latremouille
Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas 3
Data collection for the Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas 3 (Atlas-3) began on January 1, 2021. Volunteer birders will count and record the presence of breeding birds across Ontario – from the south to the north – for five years.
Atlas-3 is a partnership between the same five organizations as Atlas-2: Birds Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service (Environment and Climate Change Canada), Ministry of Natural Resources – Government of Ontario, Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO), and Ontario Nature.
To learn more and get involved in Ontario, contact, contact the Atlas Office,
Newfoundland Breeding Bird
Newfoundland’s first Breeding Bird Atlas will be an open access, comprehensive digital account of the status of breeding birds on the island. The Newfoundland Atlas will provide an invaluable resource for industry, government, conservation organizations, academic institutions, and the general public, for purposes spanning the spectrum from conservation planning and environmental assessments to environmental education and research projects.
To learn more and get involved in Newfoundland, contact Dr. Catherine Dale,
Saskatchewan Breeding Bird Atlas
This ambitious five-year project teams citizen scientists with professionals to deliver a province-wide account of the distribution and relative abundance of populations of breeding birds. A collaborative effort between conservation organizations, government, the private-sector, and the public, the Atlas will provide an invaluable tool for wildlife conservation, education, and research in the province.
To learn more about the Saskatchewan Atlas, contact LeeAnn Latremouille,
The first step in conserving and protecting Canada’s wild birds, is learning about them.
Learn the basics to start birding. Learn about helpful tools, how to start identifying birds, and where to go birding. This free course is offered on Birds Canada Learn.