The Christmas Bird Count ran for the 123rd consecutive season between December 14, 2022 and January 5, 2023. As always, thank you to all the participants!
Featured News Stories
Congratulations to our 2022 Great Canadian Birdathon prize winners!
We’d like to wish a warm thank-you to the prize donors, participants, and sponsors who made Birds Canada’s 2022 Great Canadian Birdathon® a success. It’s our pleasure to congratulate our 2022 Birdathon prize winners!
From wrens to waders to waterfowl – you are helping wetland birds!
February 2 is World Wetlands Day! Thanks to you, Birds Canada’s volunteers and supporters, we’re making a positive difference for wetlands and the birds that depend on them.
One world, united by birds. Join the Great Backyard Bird Count!
Everyone is invited to join the 26th annual Great Backyard Bird Count, happening February 17-20, 2023! This event is our opportunity to observe birds from our communities and contribute to a snapshot of bird populations around the world.
Canadian Nature Groups Welcome Global Deal to Reverse Nature Loss by 2030 at COP15
Canadian environmental groups welcome the Kunming-Montreal Agreement at COP15 in Montreal to halt and reverse global biodiversity loss by 2030 and applaud Canada’s leadership, which was instrumental in landing the deal.
COP15: Key takeaways for bird conservation
COP15, also called NatureCOP, was the world’s chance to come together and commit to an ambitious plan to halt and reverse nature loss. The conference was held in Montreal and wrapped up December 19. Read about the outcomes for birds and conservation in Canada.
Thank you for being a voice for birds in 2022!
We can’t thank you enough for your contributions to the understanding, appreciation, and conservation of birds. Whether you donated, volunteered, or took action another way, we appreciate your generosity this year! Join us in celebrating results we achieved together.
Golf course at West Mabou Beach Provincial Park in Nova Scotia would harm endangered Piping Plovers
West Mabou Beach Provincial Park is ecologically significant and an important breeding site for Endangered Piping Plovers. It is a priority ecosystem for conservation and a golf course has no place there.
Bird-friendly holiday giving guide
With the holiday season coming up quickly, our team at Birds Canada wanted to share these gift ideas with you. Find something special for your loved ones AND make a meaningful impact for birds!
Why Protecting Grasslands is a Win-Win-Win for Climate, Biodiversity, and the Ranching Community
To halt and reverse biodiversity loss, we need strong commitment from our policy makers today that will save our iconic grasslands and the birds that need them for their survival.