Participants who go birding for conservation during the 2022 Great Canadian Birdathon will receive a t-shirt with a Bank Swallow design by Alex Nicole. We chose to highlight the Bank Swallow on this year’s shirt because, unfortunately, it needs our awareness and help.
Featured News Stories
Your 2021-22 Project FeederWatch Highlights
Each winter, volunteer participants with Project FeederWatch count the birds outside their window and submit their data to help monitor and increase our understanding of bird populations. This past season, there were over 5000 participants in Canada!
Volunteers needed for the Canadian Lakes Loon Survey and Canadian Nightjar Survey
Birds Canada is seeking volunteers across Canada to help monitor Common Loons and nightjars (Common Nighthawks, Common Poorwills, and Eastern Whip-poor-wills).
Seeking hikers to volunteer for Black Swift project in southwest BC
We are looking for fit and skilled volunteers. Survey volunteers will hike to specific waterfalls to collect data on Black Swifts and their nests (if present), and on the site habitat and threats.
Curlews touch down as a survey prepares to launch
This spring, Birds Canada BC staff and volunteers are gearing up to survey Long-billed Curlews. The Long-billed Curlew is one of the first birds to arrive in Canada each spring.
Spring into action for birds – join the Great Canadian Birdathon!
Registration is open for the 2022 Great Canadian Birdathon. Sign up now and you can join thousands of birders and supporters in giving birds a boost! Last year’s Birdathon raised $206,923 for conservation efforts, thanks to individuals like you.
Announcing the 2022 Baillie Fund Grant recipients
The gifts you make through Birds Canada support important work for birds. Thank you for your generous contributions!
2022 Great Backyard Bird Count Summary
Birders participating in the 2022 Great Backyard Bird Count from February 18-21 created an outstanding snapshot of bird populations around the world. Thank you to each bird enthusiast who took part and shared your observations through the Merlin Bird ID app or eBird!
Volunteers needed for the North American Breeding Bird Survey
Volunteers are needed to cover vacant survey routes across Canada, and there is a priority need for new volunteers in northern and central Ontario. The North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is the primary source of long-term bird population trends across the continent and keeps scientists and wildlife managers informed of significant changes in breeding bird populations.
Volunteers needed in the Atlantic Region
Volunteers needed in the Atlantic Region to help with the Maritimes Marsh Monitoring Program, Maritimes SwiftWatch (New Brunswick and Nova Scotia), the Newfoundland Breeding Bird Atlas, and Newfoundland and Labrador Nocturnal Owl Survey.