2022 Long-billed Curlew Survey in BC
Call for participants

Do you want to take part in an exciting, volunteer-based, roadside survey of Long-billed Curlews in British Columbia this spring?
- Why: We need to know how these listed birds are doing to determine and update their conservation status. A province-wide population estimate hasn’t been made since 2005!
- How: Single-day roadside surveys conducted along ca. 30-km transects within known grassland and croplands.
- When: Between April 23-May 8, with dates progressing from south to north.
- Where: Okanagan-Similkameen, Thompson-Nicola, Cariboo-Chilcotin, Prince George-Nechako, and East Kootenay regions.
- Who: Teams of 2-3 people who can identify curlews by sound and sight. Training will be provided virtually in March for all participants.
Survey type: Single-day roadside surveys conducted along ca. 30-km transects within known grassland and croplands.
Timing: Between April 23-May 8, with dates progressing from south to north.
Surveyors: Teams of 2-3 people who can identify curlews by sound and sight. Training will be provided virtually in March for all participants.