Photo: Missy Mandel
Migratory birds in the Americas need your help.
Every year, thousands of shorebirds travel vast distances between breeding grounds in the remote Arctic and tropical wintering grounds in Central and South America – facing exhaustion, starvation, and predation.
Bird Studies Canada and our BirdLife International partners are working together to ensure the epic migratory journeys undertaken by shorebirds along the Atlantic Flyway are less treacherous.
Save Canada’s endangered Piping Plovers!
The Piping Plover is a small, well-camouflaged shorebird that feeds and nests along beaches of the Atlantic Ocean and freshwater lakes of eastern and central North America. It overwinters on the southeast coast of the United States, and on warmer tropical islands, like the Bahamas and Cuba. North and south, extensive recreational use of beaches and development of shorelines for tourism are pushing the tiny plover toward extinction.
What are we doing?
Bird Studies Canada helps the Piping Plover in many ways. In Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Ontario, we’re working with beach users to reduce human disturbances (for example, from pets, all-terrain vehicles, and food waste). On plovers’ wintering grounds, we have helped BirdLife partners and locally-based conservationists track the range of plover habitat and annual numbers of birds.
How can you help?
You can reduce your impact on wildlife at the beach, by not disturbing shorebirds like the Piping Plover, and keeping your pets leashed or off the beach, where regulated.
Donate to Bird Studies Canada today to help us expand this vital work to save Piping Plovers and all threatened shorebirds across their range.