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Check out our 2019 Annual Report
Thank you for being part of our mission to conserve Canada’s wild birds! Our latest annual report is now available online. Take a look and reflect on some of the recent achievements for birds that you’ve made possible.

Keep an eye on your mailbox
If you are a Bird Studies Canada member, your exclusive 2019-2020 calendar has recently arrived or is on its way! We hope you enjoy the photos and stories from your fellow members. Inside, you’ll also find important dates for participating in our Citizen Science programs and celebrating birds.
And if you’re intrigued by birds like the Evening Grosbeak or Black-backed Woodpecker, you’ll love the Fall issue of BirdWatch Canada (no. 89). This special issue of our member’s magazine is dedicated to the birds of Canada’s Boreal Region. Enjoy a sneak peek – a feature article by Pete Davidson entitled “Northern Exposure: Mapping Birds in the Boreal.” The Fall issue also includes a guide for helping birds that depend on our Boreal ecosystems, an update on Project FeederWatch, and more.
While the look of BirdWatch Canada has changed over time, our commitment to giving you information and inspiration has not! Something else that hasn’t changed, until now, is the minimum donation members give in order to receive BirdWatch Canada. Moving forward, when you give $50 or more to Bird Studies Canada in a year, you will continue to receive BirdWatch Canada.

Steven Price, Karen Brown, and Paul Uys
Photo: Ruth Friendship-Keller

Coming together for birds
In September, we hosted a few important meetings in the Long Point area of Ontario that brought together our Board of Directors, our members, and staff working across the country.
At the Board meeting, Paul Uys became the new Chair, replacing Karen Brown (thank you for your service, Karen!). Paul is a retired executive with 40 years of global retail experience specializing in brand creation, food product development, and sourcing. He has been a valuable asset to Bird Studies Canada since his election to our Board in 2016.
As part of our Annual Members’ Meeting, Liz Purves (Director, Ontario) shared a special presentation about the results for Chimney Swifts that dedicated volunteers are achieving through monitoring and stewardship work.
Finally, 50 Bird Studies Canada staff from across Canada gathered to share ideas, gain some new skills and information, and enjoy a rare opportunity to connect face-to-face at for a three-day meeting. Special guests Jen Love from Agents of Good and Meghan Kirwin from The Kirwin Group brought some fresh perspective to enhance the way we work with you to conserve Canada’s birds.
Thank you
As you read these updates, we hope you feel proud to be a Bird Studies Canada member. Without your support, we could not pursue the research and conservation action needed to help our bird populations. Thank you – for all you do for birds!

Bird Studies Canada staff from coast to coast

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