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For release: 16 October, 2023


Birds Canada hopes birders across Canada will flock to Project FeederWatch

Port Rowan, ON—Your observations of birds out your window can really help the conservation of Canada’s birds.  Project FeederWatch is a North America wide winter survey of backyard birds.  You don’t have to be an expert to participate and you don’t even have to go outside.  Observe the birds at a local green space or out your window while you have your morning coffee – warmed by the knowledge that you’re contributing to the monitoring of the birds that you spend so much time enjoying.

Last year, more than 30,000 people across North America watched the birds in their backyards or local green space and turned their observations into scientific discoveries. Now in its 37th year, FeederWatch has long term trend data that just keeps getting better with every year.  We can see which birds are doing well and which ones need our conservation attention.  Drawing attention to those in trouble can only help to protect these birds.  Last season, FeederWatchers in Canada recorded a record low number of individual birds since FeederWatch began in 1988. The average number of individual birds per week was down from 50 per count site in the first season of FeederWatch to just 36 this past season.  We need data from across Canada to help us understand the drop in numbers.


Kerrie Wilcox, Canadian Leader Project FeederWatch says “we need data from across North America on our common birds – the birds that many people see every day.  How are they responding to habitat changes and warmer winters?”  Wilcox says that participating in FeederWatch is really easy – “you decide how much time you spend and how often you count – and you don’t even need a feeder to participate!”



Evening Grosbeak. Photo: Nina Stavlund

Whether you see one American Robin in your backyard or a dozen Pine Siskins, it is really valuable information as it helps us build a picture of how our birds are doing from one year to the next.

Pine Siskin. Photo: Derek Spencer

The FeederWatch season starts November 1st. Taking part in Project FeederWatch is really easy.  You don’t need a feeder and you don’t need to be an expert to participate!  Participants just need to sign up, count the birds outside, and submit results online or by using the Project FeederWatch mobile app”. In Canada, participants make a donation of any amount to Birds Canada at then can sign up online, or call toll-free: 888-448-2473.

Project FeederWatch is made possible by the contributions of thousands of volunteers, and our supporters, Armstrong Bird Food, and Wild Birds Unlimited. 


FeederWatch is a joint research and education project of Birds Canada and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. To join in the US, please signup online at

Media Contact:
Kerrie Wilcox, Canadian Leader, Project FeederWatch, Birds Canada,
Tel. 519-586-3531 ext. 134 or 1-888-448-2473 (toll free)

In the U.S., contact Emma Greig,

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