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Last month, we introduced you to some of the employees that have joined our team since 2018. Our team has continued to grow, and we’re excited to share bios from even more recent additions! Meet the new hires putting your support for birds into action.

Laura Bartlett – Nova Scotia Program Coordinator
“I am excited to take on this position and work on some great projects, particularly the Nova Scotia Piping Plover Conservation Program. I completed my B.A. in Environmental Sustainability and Sociology and recently finished my Master’s of Resource and Environmental Management at Dalhousie University, where I focused on wildlife conservation and pro-environmental behaviour change. I’m interested in why people do what they do in relation to the environment and how we can use that knowledge to create positive change. I plan to apply this knowledge to help reduce human disturbances on Piping Plovers and other birds. When not at work, I’m either getting up early to go birding, going to bed early (so I can wake up early to go birding), or travelling the world to see new birds.”

Dr. Catherine Dale – Newfoundland Breeding Bird Atlas Coordinator
“I’m very excited to join Bird Studies Canada in this role. The job brings together two of the things I’m most passionate about – ornithology and science outreach. I believe strongly in the importance of Citizen Science, and I’m eagerly anticipating working with volunteers across Newfoundland to make this breeding bird atlas happen. I recently completed a Ph.D. studying migration patterns in Western Bluebirds breeding in British Columbia, and I’m really looking forward to getting back out into the field on the opposite side of the country and learning all about the birds of Newfoundland!”

Dr. Danielle Ethier – Bird Population Scientist
“As a young biologist, I took to the road, studying birds across North America as a means to connect with the natural world. My intellectual curiosities led me back to school, where I attained an M.Sc. resolving knowledge gaps on American badgers and a Ph.D. assessing drivers of population dynamics in Bobolinks – both species at risk in Ontario’s agro-ecosystem.”
“To date, my research has taken a multi-disciplinary approach to resolve questions that imperil wildlife populations in human-modified landscapes. As Bird Population Scientist with Bird Studies Canada, I am keen to assess large-scale drivers of avian population dynamics in order to guide science-based habitat management practices and government decision-making. I look forward to working with the abundant Citizen Science data collected by bird enthusiasts from across Canada to help resolve key conservation challenges facing avian populations throughout their annual cycle.”

Andrés Jiménez – Urban Program Coordinator, Ontario
“I am a biologist with a deep passion for animals. My work involves wildlife conservation, political advocacy, and project management. In my current role, I articulate my work with Bird Studies Canada’s other programs and its public support team to increase urban engagement in birds and conservation in cities across Ontario. In other words, my day-to-day mission is to create connections between people and the planet. A relationship that sometimes looks like discovering your first Indigo Bunting, but also can look like improving green planning in cities.”
“My previous work unfolded in the most isolated and pristine habitats in Costa Rica. Now, working in the City of Toronto where the human footprint is the deepest is a fascinating and unique opportunity. I have been able to see the full spectrum of the wild, from the tropical rainforest of Osa Peninsula to the ravines and parks in Toronto.”

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