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You’ve heard of Chimney Swifts, but what about “Barn” Swifts?
The high twittering and erratic flight of Chimney Swifts grace the skies of towns and cities across eastern North America throughout spring and summer.
Volunteer spotlight – Paula and Ted Gent, Port Rowan, ON
Paula et Ted ont grandi en observant des Merlebleus de l’Est et des Orioles de Baltimore dans leurs arrière-cours.
Red Phalarope: Stunning spinners
The Red Phalarope is one of the most stunning shorebird species in the world. They nest across the arctic tundra in small wetlands and spend the winter at sea.
Birds We Love a Lot? The Amazing Red Knot!
Do you consider yourself well traveled? We’re willing to bet the average Red Knot has you beat! Discover more about this traveler!
Tracking a Vagrant Ferruginous Hawk in Ontario
To the great surprise of many Ontario birders, a Ferruginous Hawk, a native species of the grasslands and open country in western North America, was recently recovered near the town of Erieau.
Foothills Solar Project: A historic win for Frank Lake and birds
Frank Lake is as gem just outside of a city of more than a million people, and I’m happy to say, it will stay a gem for the time being.
Frank Lake is the most important wetland for birds in Southwestern Alberta and hosts an impressive number of migrating and breeding species, as well as species at risk, including Trumpeter and Tundra Swans, Franklin’s Gulls, and Bank Swallows