Blog / eNews
Real impact through the Great Canadian Birdathon
The 2022 Great Canadian Birdathon has already been a great success. We can’t thank you enough for your part in this achievement.
Birdathon proceeds build support for Canada Warblers on Colombian wintering grounds
The gifts you make through Birds Canada support important work for birds. Thank you for your generous contributions! The James L. Baillie Memorial Fund is one way your support is put into action. The fund channels part of the proceeds from the annual Great Canadian Birdathon® and private donations to research, conservation, and outreach projects that help birds.
Piping Plovers hatched in 2021 return to Ontario’s beaches
The 2022 Piping Plover nesting season in Ontario is nearly halfway through. While we wait to see how the season unfolds, let’s take a moment to catch up with the chicks that hatched last year during the 2021 nesting season.
Meet four bird Species at Risk in British Columbia
In British Columbia, four incredible bird species at risk have been keeping our team busy this spring and summer: the Western Screech-Owl, Long-billed Curlew, Marbled Murrelet, and Black Swift.
Piping Plovers face a range of challenges, from hungry predators to hoof prints
Explore different conservation initiatives used for the three populations of Piping Plovers in Canada.
Birding, learning, and dancing with joy! What happened at the 2022 Toronto Bird Celebration
The theme for the 2022 Toronto Bird Celebration was “The Great Return”. As the first Celebration with in-person activities since 2019, this year saw many new birders of all ages flocking to events throughout the GTA.