Blog / eNews
Join the 2021 Birdathon – for fun, community, and birds!
Thank you to those who have already registered for the 2021 Great Canadian Birdathon®. Sign up now and you can join thousands of birders and supporters giving birds a boost!
Explore the world of birds from home with virtual celebrations
You’re invited to explore the world of birds during these upcoming celebrations! Most of the events are virtual and free.
Project FeederWatch Season Highlights for 2020-21
In a year of staying apart, our enjoyment of watching birds still “brought us together”. Participation in Project FeederWatch was up 53% in Canada!
Celebrating Curlews in Canada’s west and beyond!
Long-billed Curlews are on their way back north to their breeding habitat in western Canada! Celebrate World Curlew Day on April 21 to support curlew conservation around the world.
LPBO is Closed to the Public
The Long Point Bird Observatory (including trails at the Old Cut station) is closed to the public and volunteers until further notice.
Science and Conservation Programs Update
There are updates to our Science and Conservation Programs. Enjoy yourself, reconnect with birds and nature, and always keep safety top-of-mind!