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Tools to Help You Grow as a Birder

Tools to Help You Grow as a Birder

As spring firmly sets in across much of Canada, there’s no better time to get outside and get more familiar with the bird species in your neck of the woods. These days, there are no shortage of great online tools and apps to help you learn more about nearby birding locations, solving those tricky bird IDs, or document the birds you find.

Hudsonian Godwit Faces Threats Throughout Its Life Cycle

Hudsonian Godwit Faces Threats Throughout Its Life Cycle

At its April meeting in St. John’s, NL, the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) assessed the status of 19 species, including one bird – the Hudsonian Godwit. Hudsonian Godwits face threats at all stages of their annual cycle, including climate change and overgrazing by geese in the Arctic, loss of wetland habitat at staging sites in the United States and South America, and disturbance of wintering habitat by increasing levels of human development and activity.

A New Look for BirdWatch Canada

A New Look for BirdWatch Canada

Spring is a time for fresh starts, and this spring, the Bird Studies Canada team is delighted to present a fresh look for BirdWatch Canada magazine. If you’re a BirdWatch subscriber your Spring issue (no. 87) should arrive soon!

Go Birding in the Land of Living Skies

Go Birding in the Land of Living Skies

The third season of the Saskatchewan Breeding Bird Atlas is poised to take flight. Since spring 2017, volunteer birdwatchers have been scouring the province in search of nesting birds, great and small, to help map their status and distribution. More volunteers are needed.

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