Blog / eNews
Explore Waterbird Hotspots in BC with New Maps
Our team at Bird Studies Canada has just updated the British Columbia Coastal Waterbird hotspot maps. The maps now depict waterbird abundance and densities during winter, spring, and fall, based on data collected from 1999-2016.
Help us Raise $10,000 for the Long-billed Curlew and Other Birds at Risk
Giving Tuesday is a growing global movement that celebrates the spirit of giving. We hope you’ll join in this year on Tuesday, November 27th. Show your love for birds and help us meet our goal of raising $10,000 for bird research and conservation!
Piping Plovers Saw Many Successes, Some Challenges in 2018
For species at risk, there’s often good and not-so-good news to report when it comes to the status of species recovery. This held true for endangered Piping Plovers in Ontario, Nova Scotia, and southeastern New Brunswick in 2018.
Ramsar Conference Leads to Positive Steps for Coastal Wetlands and Fraser Delta
Bird Studies Canada’s collaborative work to find a conservation solution to habitat loss in the Fraser River Estuary Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) in Danger recently took Pete Davidson (supported remotely by James Casey) to Dubai, as part of the BirdLife International delegation to the 13th Conference of Parties to the Ramsar Convention.
Holiday Gifts that Support Bird Conservation
The holiday season is just around the corner! Give your favourite bird lovers the opportunity to learn more about, celebrate, and conserve birds with these gift ideas.
Possibilities for Wildlife Tracking with Motus are Expanding, Thanks to CANARIE
Bird Studies Canada is proud to announce that our Motus Wildlife Tracking System was one of 20 projects across Canada to recently receive funding from CANARIE’s Research Software Program.