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Featured News Stories

Birds in the line of fire: how boreal birds respond to forest fires

Birds in the line of fire: how boreal birds respond to forest fires

Like bears emerging from hibernation, people across Canada eagerly await the warm summer weather that we’ve dreamt about all winter long. But in recent years, many of us have slapped on our sunscreen and slipped on our flip-flops, only to find smoke in the air. We worry about those living near active wildfires and wonder what will become of their homes. And we also worry and wonder about the wildlife – the birds.

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Conservation technology helps northern communities track birds

Conservation technology helps northern communities track birds

This spring, Birds Canada was proud to not only be invited back to both Cree territory along the shores of Weeneebeg (James Bay) and Nunatsiavut in northern Labrador, but also for the first time to NunatuKavut in southern Labrador, to install new Motus Wildlife Tracking System stations. This work integrates two major five-year initiatives that Birds Canada is embarking on: Science in the North and Motus on the Move.  

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Visiting the Maritimes to see Birds Canada’s staff and partners in action

Visiting the Maritimes to see Birds Canada’s staff and partners in action

The birds are back – and that means right across the country, Birds Canada staff and thousands of volunteers are hard at work on dozens of bird conservation, monitoring, and outreach initiatives. Our President and CEO Patrick Nadeau was eager to join in on the fun, so he packed his bags for a road trip from Ottawa to the Maritimes. Here’s a recap of his grand adventure!

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Birding for Beginners, a new free course!

Birding for Beginners, a new free course!

Our course “Birding for Beginners” is now available on our new educational website! This free self-guided course will help you develop the foundational skills needed to start birding. You’ll learn about helpful tools like binoculars, guidebooks, and learn how to start identifying birds using size, shape, behaviours, habitats, colors, and sounds. The best part is that you’ll learn these skills with some of the most common birds found across Canada.

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Bruce Falls, an enduring conservation legacy

Bruce Falls, an enduring conservation legacy

We’d like to take a moment to remember Dr. Bruce Falls and reflect on his extraordinary contributions to conservation and the profound influence he had over decades. His journey from the halls of academia to the forefront of environmental stewardship underscores a lifetime devoted to understanding, appreciating and conserving our natural world.

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