Ontario Owl Survey
The Ontario Owl Survey is a great opportunity for northern and central Ontario residents to help track the health of owl populations that breed in our large forest tracts. If you live outside the region you can also participate by taking an annual “owlcation” to survey a route in Northern Ontario. The goal of the Ontario Owl Survey is to monitor nocturnal owls that reside in our forests, particularly the Boreal Forest and the large forest tracts in Central Ontario
Owl surveyors use owl call broadcasts to elicit responses from targeted owl species. Participants are assigned a roadside route and are asked to survey annually on a single night in April. Surveys take place after dark and occur on isolated roads. Participants are responsible for their own transportation, and will need a broadcast unit to survey. Birds Canada will provide a training booklet, broadcast CD (an MP3 file is available online) and data forms.
If you are interested in participating please take the time to review the Owl Survey Participant Description factsheet prior to requesting a route.
Kathy Jones
Volunteer Manager, Ontario Program
Tel: 1-888-448-BIRD(2473) ext. 124

Great Gray Owl Photo: Michael and Martha Butler