Thank you very much to all the BirdWatch Canada readers who completed the survey enclosed with the Spring 2018 issue. Our team is poring over your feedback. Soon, we will have the survey results available to share with you, and to guide improvements to the magazine.
Meanwhile, the Summer 2018 issue is on its way to you. Keep an eye out for the cover starring a stately Long-billed Curlew. In the feature article – “Keeping Up with the Curlews of BC’s Skookumchuck Prairie ,” by Dr. David Bradley – you will be treated to a close look at the lives and movements of a fascinating curlew population.
In this issue, you will also see your Citizen Science contributions reflected in Christmas Bird Count and Great Backyard Bird Count reports. You will have the chance to review this year’s nominees to Bird Studies Canada’s Board of Directors and sign up for a free tour of the upcoming International Ornithological Congress in Vancouver. And you will enjoy updates on initiatives that are building connections between urban residents and birds, and bringing new birders and Citizen Scientists into the fold.
Find a comfortable spot in the shade and read about great work for birds happening across Canada, with your support!
Published by Bird Studies Canada, BirdWatch Canada reports the latest results from our programs, and includes topical feature articles about the world of birds. By donating $35 or more annually, members and supporters provide valuable funding for bird research and conservation, and receive a subscription to our magazine, free participation in any of our Citizen Science programs, and a charitable receipt for the full amount of the contribution. Please donate today! Make an online membership donation or call us toll-free at 1-888-448-2473.