19 Aug, 2020 | Featured News Stories
Thank you to all the volunteers who helped with the 2020 Canadian Nightjar Survey in June and July! In spite of the pandemic, participants were able to safely survey these fascinating birds in most parts of the country.
27 May, 2019 | Featured News Stories
WildResearch is seeking volunteers to survey for nightjars (birds in the nighthawk and whip-poor-will family) across Canada – especially in Manitoba and Ontario, where there are new survey routes available!
25 Apr, 2019 | Featured News Stories
Get ready, SwiftWatchers! The 2019 SwiftWatch season is rapidly approaching as Chimney Swifts make their long migration north from South America.
7 Mar, 2019 | Featured News Stories
In January, a paper entitled “A range-wide domino effect and resetting of the annual cycle in a migratory songbird” by Dr. Elizabeth Gow and 28 other authors, including myself, was published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B. This paper concerns the timing of breeding of Tree Swallows at 12 sites across North America and how variation in this timing of breeding across those sites influences the timing of future events in the birds’ life cycle.
16 Nov, 2018 | Featured News Stories
Fourteen conservation, environmental health and advocacy groups*, along with the Ontario Beekeepers’ Association, have called on the federal government to end the use of neonicotinoid insecticides in Canada without further delay, as Ottawa concluded consultations on the latest neonic risk assessments on Tuesday, November 13.