20 Feb, 2020 | Featured News Stories
The Winter 2020 issue of BirdWatch Canada (no. 90) underscores our resolve to tackle the challenges that bird populations face today, and highlights examples of how your support is helping birds right now.
23 Jan, 2020 | Featured News Stories
Thank you for your passion and dedication to save Canada’s wild birds! When you renew your vital support of Birds Canada, you’ll receive your exclusive and ‘members only’ decal.
22 Oct, 2019 | Featured News Stories
Thank you for being part of our mission to conserve Canada’s wild birds! Take a moment to reflect on some of the recent achievements for birds that you’ve made possible.
25 Feb, 2019 | Featured News Stories
When you activate your membership now, you will help us plan ahead for 2019. We can set priorities and fund projects to meet our inspiring conservation goals. Your active membership also means that you will be invited to participate in all your favourite Citizen Science activities like the Loon Survey, Project FeederWatch, and more!