11 Sep, 2017 | Featured News Stories
In August, Bird Studies Canada scientists Dr. Tara Crewe and Dr. Doug Tozer participated in a joint meeting of the American Ornithological Society (AOS) and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists (SCO) in East Lansing, Michigan.
17 Jul, 2017 | Featured News Stories
The Common Nighthawk looks graceful in flight, and a bit strange up close due to its large eyes and wide mouth. But no matter how you look at it, this species is becoming a less-common sight. Breeding Bird Survey data suggest it has declined by 76% since 1973 in Canada, where it is now listed as a Threatened species.
14 Jul, 2017 | Featured News Stories
A bold research team, led by the University of Guelph and Bird Studies Canada, spread out across the boreal forest in June in an effort to recapture some very specific Blackpoll Warblers.
4 Jul, 2017 | Featured News Stories
The Motus Wildlife Tracking System is being used by numerous researchers and organizations to gain new knowledge about the movements of small songbirds, bats, and insects during breeding and migration, and on overwintering grounds.
19 May, 2017 | Featured News Stories
The Motus Wildlife Tracking System provides an exciting opportunity to engage students in real-world bird science and conservation.