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Cooperation for Prairie Conservation Grows Stronger

Cooperation for Prairie Conservation Grows Stronger

“Working Landscapes” was the theme of the 12th Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference held in Winnipeg, Manitoba from February 19-21, 2019. Attendees from a range of sectors – scientists, agricultural producers, consultants, and more – had the opportunity to explore the intersections of conservation and agriculture, have their perspectives heard, and work together on conservation solutions.

Defend Ontario’s Endangered Species Act

Defend Ontario’s Endangered Species Act

Bird Studies Canada provided comments and recommendations to the Ontario Government on the recently posted 10th Year Review of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act: Discussion Paper. We are deeply concerned about Ontario’s species at risk and the overall direction put forth in the discussion paper and urge our supporters to become familiar with this issue and contact your local MPP.

Scientists Heading to Prairie Conservation Conference

Scientists Heading to Prairie Conservation Conference

A team of Bird Studies Canada staff will soon be heading to the 12th Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference in Winnipeg, MB from February 19-21. The theme of the conference is “Working Landscapes,” and participants will be exploring intersections between conservation and agriculture.