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New Marine National Wildlife Area in BC a Positive Step for Birds

New Marine National Wildlife Area in BC a Positive Step for Birds

On September 13, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, Jonathan Wilkinson, announced the creation of the Scott Islands Marine National Wildlife Area on Canada’s Pacific coast. The area is the first to be protected under the Canada Wildlife Act, and its establishment follows years of consultation with Indigenous Peoples, the government of British Columbia, and stakeholders.

Keeping an Eye on Carolinian Species at Risk

Keeping an Eye on Carolinian Species at Risk

Want to learn about efforts to help species at risk in Ontario’s Carolinian forests? In a newly published report, you can discover what Bird Studies Canada is learning about these precious species and how landowners are working with us to conserve them through our Ontario Forest Birds at Risk Program (OFBAR).

Supporting Habitat Conservation for Grassland Species in Manitoba

Supporting Habitat Conservation for Grassland Species in Manitoba

Bird Studies Canada has just completed another summer of surveys for grassland species at risk on private cattle ranches and provincial community pastures in Manitoba. We recorded over 500 sightings of species at risk, including Ferruginous Hawk, Loggerhead Shrike, Sprague’s Pipit, Chestnut-collared Longspur, Baird’s Sparrow, and Bobolink.

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