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Motus Helping Untangle Red Knot Conservation Challenges

Motus Helping Untangle Red Knot Conservation Challenges

Conservation isn’t easy, even at the best of times. And when the animal you are trying to help migrates 30,000 km each year, from one remote location to the next, it takes decades of work by many people to piece together its life cycle, identify risks, and try to solve the problems. The clock is ticking.

Piping Plovers Hang On in Ontario and Manitoba

Piping Plovers Hang On in Ontario and Manitoba

Following an absence of breeding pairs in Ontario for more than 30 years, Piping Plovers have been making a gradual return at selected nesting locations on Canadian Great Lakes shores since 2007. Federal and provincial governments and local agencies cooperate to protect these Endangered shorebirds and their habitat.

Surveying Grassland Species at Risk in Southwestern Manitoba

Surveying Grassland Species at Risk in Southwestern Manitoba

This month in the grasslands of southwestern Manitoba, Bird Studies Canada will be conducting surveys for grassland species at risk, including Ferruginous Hawk, Loggerhead Shrike, Sprague’s Pipit, Chestnut-collared Longspur, Baird’s Sparrow, and Bobolink. These surveys are part of a large collaboration under Environment and Climate Change Canada’s SARPAL program (Species At Risk Partnership on Agricultural Land).

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