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By Steven Price, President, Birds Canada


The following is a list of activities operating under special safety protocols necessary to protect against COVID-19.

If you are already involved in one of our monitoring projects, please follow the direction you may have already received or be in contact with your project lead at Birds Canada to be informed of where, when and how your survey might be conducted.

Our office, research and outreach buildings remain closed to the public.

Enjoy yourself, reconnect with birds and nature, and always keep safety top-of-mind!

Thank you for your support for birds and Birds Canada!


British Columbia


  • Coastal Waterbird Survey
  • B.C. Nocturnal Owl Survey
  • Beached Bird Survey
  • Curlew Monitoring and Stewardship
  • BC Marsh Monitoring Program

Prairie Provinces


  • Saskatchewan Breeding Bird Atlas, covering all nesting birds
  • Rancher Outreach on incentives for bird-friendly grazing and carbon sequestration, benefitting species at risk like Chestnut-collared Longspur, Sprague’s Pipit, Baird’s Sparrow and Burrowing Owl



  • Beached Bird Survey
  • Marsh Monitoring Program (depending on region and subject to change)
  • Nocturnal Owl Survey (depending on region and subject to change)

Atlantic Canada

(respecting all provincial guidelines and restrictions about the Atlantic Bubble)


  • Monitoring of Bicknell’s Thrush
  • Beach stewardship and protection for Piping Plover nestlings
  • Newfoundland Breeding Bird Atlas
  • Maritimes Marsh Monitoring Program
  • Atlantic Owl Survey
  • Maritimes Swiftwatch



  • American Woodcock Survey
  • Great Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program for various wetland bird and amphibians (note: also operates in the U.S.)
  • Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas 3
  • Ontario Owl Survey
  • Ontario Forest Birds Program
  • Shoreline stewardship and protection for Piping Plover nestlings
  • Swiftwatch




  • Canadian Lakes Loon Survey
  • Canadian Nightjar Survey (depending on region and subject to change)
Two Tufted Puffins on a grassy island
Tufted Puffin (year-round resident and breeder along coastal British Columbia). Photo: David Bradley
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